Connie Russell

Connie Russell
C. L. Russell Group
Connie Russell is a Virginia Beach, VA native, Navy veteran, and the youngest of 12 siblings. She began writing professionally contributing to several national magazines covering business, workforce, and life skills. She is the CEO of C. L. Russell Group, a workforce solution training company. She holds an AS in Marketing Management, BS in Business Management, and MS in Strategic Leadership, and is a Certified Public Manager. Prior to starting her business in workforce training, she embarked upon a fashion career as the owner of a hat styling salon. During her fashion journey, she blended her training skills and launched the Fashionista Entrepreneur Academy to empower young girls with entrepreneurship and life skills. This journey ignited her charisma and passion for speaking and writing humorous experiences to educate others on how to live and enjoy a purpose-driven life and get paid while doing it. She lives in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
When she’s not serving as CEO, she can be found speaking on topics such as leadership and entrepreneurship, enjoying her newest hobby of traveling to create new experiences or cooking new vegan meals. ‘She’s Got the Power’ is her first collaborative author project.