Dr. Kathleen CAbler

Dr. Kathleen (Kathy) Cabler
Dr. Kathy has a passion for building teams for better bottom lines. She is a Talent Strategy Director, Adjunct Professor of Business and Leadership, Organizational Leadership and Well-Being Certified Executive Coach and Consultant, and Entrepreneur. In these roles, she serves as a strategic business partner focusing on individual and organizational effectiveness issues and developing strategies for leaders and teams.
God has married together what sounds like multiple distinct roles to accomplish His will in ‘equipping Christian leaders to change the world’ – a slogan from Regent University that has become a part of her everyday purpose.
Dr. Kathy has contributed to book chapters and published leadership articles. She has been a speaker/workshop presenter at numerous events and conferences to include Dr. DeeDee Freemans’ – Gods’ Glamorous Girls 2019, when she launched her book: My Emotions Are Not the B.O.S.S. of Me: Leading with Emotional Intelligence. Practical Ways to Better Outcomes. Stronger Solutions. In Any Relationship.
For over three decades, she has used her gift of leadership to serve employers, internal customer groups, and numerous mentees. She has partnered with leaders in corporate America, local/federal governments, professional services, academia, media, retail, and spiritual institutions and has extensive experience with complex, matrix, and diverse environments. Her desire to use her gifts to make an impact in the lives of those she encounters fuels her passion for helping others embrace their authentic selves, recognizing the leader within, and seizing every opportunity that God has destined for them!
To ‘Study to shew thyself, approved unto God’ in preparation to walk in her calling and impact lives – Dr. Kathy earned a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership (DSL) with a concentration in Global Consulting from Regent University; an Organizational Leadership Well-Being and Coaching Certification (ICF) from George Mason University, a Master of Public Administration (MPA) with a concentration in Urban Studies from Old Dominion University, a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work (BSW) with a concentration in Counseling from Norfolk State University; and has completed the Professional Human Resource Management Certification from Old Dominion University. She holds numerous certifications in Psychometric Assessment Tools used regularly in personal, professional, and organizational development settings.
She is a Class of 2020, CIVIC Executive Leadership Institute graduate, a Leadership Hampton Roads graduate, and a graduate of the inaugural class of the United Way of South Hampton Roads Project Inclusion.
Dr. Kathy believes it is our duty and privilege to be positioned to give back to others. She has served on various boards and committees in Hampton Roads, Roanoke, VA and Melbourne Florida. She continues to support numerous committees and serve on the Board of Directors of the YWCA South Hampton Roads. She has memberships in several national professional organizations, as well as covenant membership with Trinity Faith Diamond Ministries where she serves as a Licensed Associate Minister, supporting various ministries under the leadership of Bishop O.L. and Co-Pastor Debra Cromwell and Executive Pastor O.L. Cromwell, III.
Dr. Kathy enjoys spending time with family and friends and especially her spouse of almost 36 years (Deacon Joe) and daughter Dr. Kendra A. Cabler.
To God Be the Glory for the things HE has done … and continues to do!